SSAT Flex Testing

What is the SSAT?

testingThe SSAT is the Secondary Standard Admissions Test. Private schools throughout the world use the SSAT as a standardized test to help in admissions decisions. Since curricula, teaching and assessment standards vary from school to school, a standardized test is one tool admissions personnel use to determine if an applicant can do the work at their school.

Students who desire to attend boarding schools are often required to take the SSAT, and must do so at a registered testing site. The SSAT is offered at two levels: Lower and Upper. Lower is for students in grades 5-7. Upper for students in grades 8-11

What is Flex Testing?

Besides the scheduled national test administrations, SSATB offers the SSAT Flex Test. The Flex Test is a test administered in a registered flex testing site, and allows students to take a complete form of the SSAT at their convenience any time throughout the year.
Kahn Educational Group, LLC is a Flex Test Center site for the SSAT, which means that we can officially administer the SSAT in our office at your convenience. Typically, we administer the test on Sunday mornings, when the office is quiet and no distractions, such as phone calls or other noises will disturb the student during the course of the examination. Appointments can be made for the test by scheduling with our office. Proctor fees are charged to administer the test.

Do you offer any test preparation?

We do not offer test preparation in our office. SSAT currently publishes a book of full-length practice tests. “Preparing and Applying for Independent School Admission and the SSAT.” You can order it online at There are other books available from your local bookstore or library. SSAT does not have any videos, computer programs, or CD-ROMs.

Can students receive accommodations using Flex Testing?

Yes, students who can provide school documentation that verifies that they routinely receive special accommodations in their current school may apply for similar accommodations for the SSAT. This must be approved in writing through SSAT prior to the test administration.

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