Post-Secondary Programs

young adult on laptopMany young adults today, ages 18 or older, when leaving their homes for the first time to transition to college or go to work, face overwhelming challenges. Often they have learning disabilities and cannot negotiate the path that others before them have found fairly easily. They need help structuring their day, organizing their schedules and academic life. Some are weighed down by a sense of isolation and lack of support. Some students may have graduated from high school, but have lost their way in college or in their career. Some may be doing absolutely nothing; floundering and don’t know why.

For students and families it may seem that there are no options available to help them with this transitional time in their life. When searching for help on their own, many families in this situation find that programs for young adults are centered around college life or vocational training, when their child needs something more. While the search process can prove time-consuming and disheartening to a family who is new to the process, programs designed specifically for this population of students can be found across the country and overseas.

By working with an educational consultant, families can release some of the burden and be assured that their child will benefit from the consultants knowledge of and experience with these programs. A consultant will work with the student and family to understand exactly what a students needs are and find the right program that will help them navigate the path to independence and adulthood.

Who are these programs for?

Post-secondary programs generally fall into distinctive categories:

  • Programs for students who have been unable to move forward after high school
  • Students who have started college and have been unsuccessful
  • Those with ADHD, learning issues, and/or lower cognitively functioning, who need assistance with academic/vocational guidance and life skills to begin the next step
  • Treatment/rehab facilities for those experiencing substance abuse problems re drugs and alcohol
  • Special programs for students with emotional/behavioral problems; those needing a therapeutic milieu, enrollment in college or a job; life coaching is provided
  • Programs for those with Aspergers or Non-Verbal Learning Disabilities, who need more of a bridge or transition program to facilitate their needs, as well as social skills development
  • Programs for those with more psychiatric-based issues, such as schizophrenia, bi-polar disorder, etc.

What can these programs provide?

Residential mentoring programs, both single sex and coed, for ages 18-28, which require participants to work toward personal goals, are effective in producing long lasting results. Short-term rehab centers often do not garner this type of outcome because they just scratch the surface. They give young people the means and tools to look inside themselves and gain some insight into their own behavior. However, students need a longer time away; time to disconnect from destructive relationships that may have fostered negative behavior, time away from the harmful influences which precipitated their drug use, time away from family members who may not be allowing them to make their own decisions; time away to practice their new independent living skills, which can lead to a better life.

Post-secondary programs can provide vocational training, life skills and college preparatory programs (GED or college coursework) for young adults with special learning or emotional needs.

What kind of results can be expected?

Pizza PartyIn these programs, which are typically a year or longer, students develop self-esteem and confidence, while learning to understand their unique potential. They learn to set limits on relationships and practice consideration of others. By developing appropriate time management skills, they learn how to sequence, plan and prioritize. Typically, there are mentors, tutors and sufficient structure so students can grow, yet pursue their own interests. They learn to acquire better communication skills and learn how to deal with their families more effectively. They may go to school, have jobs and participate in an emotional growth curriculum, all to heighten their awareness in making effective choices as an independent adult.

Costs are approximately $40,000-$70,000+ for a one year length of stay.

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