Teens in Crisis

The adolescent years can be very difficult and trying for both adolescents and parents alike. Being young today is starkly different from what it was a generation ago, especially in a society where children have more material goods, are exposed to greater negative influences in the media and have more independence than ever before. Children from elementary to high school are more likely to commit acts of violence, abuse drugs and alcohol, or engage in risky sexual behavior than their parents. Test scores and academic performance have also declined. A greater number of adolescents are in therapy for emotional/behavioral issues and many more are being diagnosed with serious psychiatric disorders.

When the situation reaches a point where both parents and student feel so ineffective in solving their problems and no significant shifts in behavior with their child are occurring, it may be time to look at other options. When fallout between parents and their adolescent begins to affect their other children, everyone begins to wonder if life will ever get better.

When parents are filled with uncertainty and a lack of direction; when they feel hopeless, in crisis, overwhelmed with choices and decisions they feel inadequate in making, our company can help alleviate some of the confusion. Lindy Kahn will provide a clear course of action, serving as a filter for the multitude of information which is available to parents, as well as a sounding board and finally, as someone who can guide them toward the right choice for their child.

Residential programs often produce profound changes in the children they serve. Removing the child from their school or neighborhood and placing them in a controlled environment allows them to focus on their inner self and often leads to behavioral change.

Lindy Kahn’s mission is to halt the cycle of failure and introduce new patterns of happiness and success, for struggling clients, with one or more of the following challenges:

  • Depression/Bipolar Disorder
  • Anxiety disorders
  • School phobia
  • School failure
  • Adoption issues
  • Attention Deficit Disorder
  • Learning Disabilities
  • Autism spectrum disorders
  • Neurological impairments
  • Oppositional Defiant Disorder
  • Reactive Attachment Disorder
  • Aggression, Runaway history
  • Substance abuse
  • Sexual abuse, promiscuity or perpetration
  • Eating disorders
  • Legal problems

As an educational consultant assisting clients with special needs, it is crucial that Lindy and her staff stay up to date with what is happening in the industry. Therefore, she regularly visits programs who serve students with these disorders, in order to assess the physical condition of the schools, type of populations they serve and efficiency of the staff who are running them.

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